Self Care as a Parent

This topic is one that I have found particularly challenging in my four short years as a parent. Taking care of oneself so often feels like it is at odds with putting your child first, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I struggled to reconcile my new identity and how I could still exist as my own independent person. I eventually came to the realization, that a little time for me, actually makes me feel like I’m doing a BETTER job at parenting my son.

Here are a few simple tips:

· Take a bath. Seems simple enough, but we are often so rushed in our lives with young children, that we hop in and out of the shower as quickly as possible. A bath provides alone time and relaxation. Schedule it in for yourself once in awhile.

· Go out for coffee. This is without your kids. Call a friend a go to your local coffee shop and have a chat. It’s cathartic and reminds you that you are still your own person.

· Go for a walk. Fresh air, exercise and time to yourself? A winning combination all around!

· Have a date night or girls’ night out! Go out like you did before kids. Whether it is with your significant other or with your friends, schedule some nights out, having pure adult fun like you used to.
A little alone time helps you return to your kids happier, refreshed and more ready to deal with those challenging moments that arise.