Money Skills!

Family Services of Greater Vancouver presents Money Skills-Financial Literacy Workshops

This program is designed to help participants increase their knowledge and confidence in the tasks of daily money management.
In this 3 Session program you will learn about:

BUDGETING: Track your earning and spending and be in control of your money
BANKING: Choose the options that are right for you, reduce fees and save money
CREDIT: Build and maintain a good credit history and deal with debt
CONSUMERISM: BUY BUY BUY ! Examine the role of advertising in our spending choices and how to be in charge of your own spending

WHEN :Mondays, February 27, March 5 and 12, 2012

WHERE: 321 6th Street, 3rd Floor. New Westminster, BC V3L 3A7

TIME: 6:00pm – 8:30pm

TO REGISTER CALL: Salina Tam at 604 525 9144

Or e-mail

Money Skills Poster – Jan ’12