Mommy “Wars” and How Not To Engage

As moms, our children are our pride and joy, very often being at the forefront of our thoughts. We want to discuss with our friends and family all of their milestones and our parenting accomplishments. Did your infant sleep 5 hours last night? Is your four-year-old beginning to read? Are you proud of your particular parenting style and choices? You can share that with others and have it not become a competition.

I have learned many things since starting a moms’ community four years ago. You can exist harmoniously with other parents who think completely differently than you do. How can this be possible, you ask?

· RESPECT: First and foremost, respect that parenting is the hardest job around and we all go about it in ways that we feel are best for our kids and our family.

· Reciprocate: We want an enthusiastic response from our loved ones at the news we share, so be sure to equally give that excitement back when they have their own happenings to share.

· Acknowledge that no one is “better” than anyone else: As parents, we all have our strengths and weaknesses and realizing that make life a lot easier. Our children are exactly the same; they all excel in different domains, at different times.

Raising kids is tough enough without adding competition to the mix. A dose of kindness and a little less judgement can go a long way towards creating a happy mom community.