Parents Night Out Feb 26 and March 12

SD40 Community School Coordinators present:Parents’ night out 2013- 2014

Raising Teens: A Youth Perspective. Youth Panel with Special Guests Feb 26th

Raising a teen can be uncharted territory for many of us. We often ask ourselves: “Is this normal?” When do I need to draw boundaries, and when do I need to allow for independence? Dating, parties, on-line behavior, what is making our teens vulnerable and when do we step in as parents? Do we need help? If so, what kind of help would we need?” Join us for this innovative and unique event designed for parents to ask their burning questions to a panel of teens and experts. Parents will have an opportunity to ask questions anonymously, hear about normative teen development from a local expert, and have a tour of the city’s innovative Youth Centre. We’re all in this together, let’s work together to look for answers to those tough questions! The night will conclude with a tour of the New Westminster Youth Centre.

Sex Education with Saleema Noon March 12th:

Discussing sexual health can be embarrassing. This light hearted workshop delivers straight and current facts. Leave well-equipped with clear concepts and answers to the questions children of all ages ask (or don’t ask). Work together to promote good sexual decisions for a lifetime.