Cities Fit for Children Surrey Nov 21-22


November 21 – 22, 2013
Guildford Sheraton
Surrey BC

Surrey is proud to host Cities Fit For Children 2013 – See more at:

Surrey is proud to host Cities Fit For Children 2013 – See more at:

Surrey is proud to host Cities Fit for Children 2013!

Cities Fit for Children 2013 Conference is a provincial summit to bring together municipal, child development, and other professionals to share expertise and ideas in making communities fit for children and youth. 
The program features keynotes from Kerry Constabile (Specialist, Urban Planning & Programming at UNICEF), Dr. Trevor Hancock (University of Victoria), Mayor Dianne Watts, and a panel of research leaders including UBC and the McCreary Centre Society. Additionally, you can pick from nearly 30 workshop choices, including: the University of Auckland, David Suzuki Foundation, Equitas, Bob Yates, Society for Children and Youth of BC, Dalai Lama Centre, Vancouver Foundation, Canadian Commission for UNESCO, PeernetBC, HASTe BC, Justice Education Society of BC – and many more practitioners sharing their exciting work and experience from the field.  A complete list of workshops can be found on the Cities Fit for Children 2013 website.
Early Bird registration for $195 is available till the end of September. Group-rate rooms at the Guildford Sheraton are available, and can booked via this link.